The health services of the state of Guanajuato in the Mexican Bajio, attend to vulnerable population in rural areas through mobile health.
The Ministry of Health of Guanajuato through the Directorate of Extension of Coverage, has reported that through the service of the 53 Mobile Medical Units they manage to provide services to 1,322 rural localities totaling 134,431,000 inhabitants.
In 2020, these services provided a total of 95,626 consultations in rural localities of the entity, which placed the state of Guanajuato as the state with the most actions in telehealth and similar services throughout the country.

The mobile health program seeks, among other things, to "facilitate access to accurate and appropriate information on prevention in simple language, through the use of pictograms and infographics and loudspeakers to increase the means of communication with the population," according to the Ministry of Health.
The 53 Mobile Medical Units focus their activities on the population in areas with low human development index, promoting community organization and participation.
During the pandemic, the units have performed respiratory triage in primary health care for patients with symptoms compatible with COVID-19, in order to reduce the risk of contagion and to act in time for treatment.