The Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MSPAS) of Guatemala held a technical meeting to discuss and review the latest details of the National Digital Health Strategy, one month after its officialization.
The National Strategy for Digital Health seeks to streamline the processes of care for users of the health system, and the MSPAS is holding the penultimate technical meeting for its review and discussion. The planning of this strategy began more than a year ago and its main purpose is to contribute to the development of new care modalities, as well as the optimization of resources and time in the provision of services.

Likewise, the National Digital Health Strategy will be the document that will regulate and describe the standards for the use of digital technology in health. For example, the plan includes various initiatives such as telemedicine, the digital mobile health strategy in mother tongues, which have already begun to be implemented in some health regions of the country. Likewise, the strategy contemplates the creation and implementation of an electronic patient file.
“The actions of the National Strategy for Digital Health contribute to the regulations of Decree 5-2021, in relation to administrative processes and the streamlining that the state is committed to doing in the user service processes, in addition to complying with a series of international regulations and agreements that the country has signed” explained Dr. José Cano, Primary Health Care Representative.
In this sense, the MSPAS foresees that the National Digital Health Strategy will be made official in a month through a Ministerial Agreement, which implies the creation of a new high-level commission to develop the guidelines for its implementation and financing.