The Ministry of Health of the province of Entre Ríos, through the Redes Program, began a strategy to strengthen health information systems and promote the use of digital medical records.
Starting with an investment of around 6.5 million pesos, the provincial authorities will install new computer equipment in health establishments in the departments of Paraná, Ibicuy and Concepción del Uruguay. This strategy aims to strengthen the Digital Health project.
In addition, the medical unit equipment program also had the support of the Information Technology Department of the Ministry of Health, which installed not only the equipment but also the infrastructure to connect to the Internet.
Some of the benefits of having computerized tools in more and more health centers, especially in primary care centers, are the possibility of registering all care, specifically at that level. Subsequently, the registration of consultations and the systematization of information is important so that between the levels of care and the different jurisdictions of the province of Entre Ríos, homogeneity in their services is achieved.

The implementation and installation of new computer equipment and communication networks in various medical establishments will promote the use and implementation of digital medical records in the province.
As for services such as telemedicine and telehealth, in all the departments of the province there is at least one hospital that has remote medical care services. The Entre Ríos telehealth network extends over more than 40 hospitals and more than 60 primary care centers.