The Argentine Ministry of Health approved the creation of a normative map to know the status of each province in relation to its Digital Health projects and facilitate its implementation.
The Ministry of Health of Argentina announced the approval of the first and second level organizational structure in charge of the Digital Health Directorate. The government trusts in the acceleration of the implementation of new technologies in health and the resolution of challenges in its approach.
Argentina is organized into 24 provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, so there are different areas of validity in health matters in each jurisdiction.
“That this multiplicity of autonomous jurisdictions causes the existence of a number of laws, decrees, resolutions and administrative acts in general that shape a complex, heterogeneous and asymmetric digital health regulatory ecosystem that needs to be explored, analyzed and systematized in an orderly manner. and consistent,” the government explained.

The decree explains that the regulation of Digital Health depends on different factors such as social, economic, political, cultural data that arise from the context of each province, so it is necessary to carry out qualitative analyzes for the application of the regulations. And for this reason it is important to identify areas in which digital health public policies are not sufficiently regulated.
That is why a map of legislation on Digital Health was proposed, to implement quality standards and regulations related to Digital Health, which allow the development of strategies in each province. The map seeks to collect the current regulations on Digital Health: "an important task not only to know the current legislative development but also to provide the provinces of the country with the possibility of carrying out comparative analyzes of the state of their public policies on the matter", they explain.
The authorities seek that the elaboration of the normative map facilitates access to the information required to know the situation and detect legal loopholes that could hinder the implementation of Digital Health programs and policies, proposed by the Ministry of Health.