The health emergency by COVID-19 has accelerated the growth of the proposals in telemedicine and Digital Health in Paraguay.
In Paraguay, the government, through the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MITIC), announced measures to promote health and spread information to address COVID-19. In March, they created a web portal to access information on the virus and the advancement of contagion and also to establish direct communication with the Ministry of Health.
Paraguay has a digital transformation project, however, previously it only contemplated the digitization of bureaucratic processes and digital economy. Following the outbreak of COVID-19 a Health Emergency Bill was proposed in the National Congress, and articles were established in order to seek the obligation of the digitization of Estate processes, including health services.
On the other hand, innovation by the society has also been present during the pandemic, such as MediGet, an online platform that began its development more than two years ago and was recently released.

This platform offers remote consultations through cell phone, tablets or computers, with specialists from different branches. MediGet offers a subscription for doctors for just 15 USD per month to access the platform and appear in the directory of specialists. About the cost of the consultation, it depends on the doctor's specialty, it can go between 15 to 25 US and doctors receive 90% of the profits.
In addition to this telemedicine project, a young Paraguayan initiative was presented to the deputy Sebastián García, president of the Committee on Science and Technology of the Chamber of Deputies. The Dr. Click initiative consists of a digital platform similar to MediGet, offering different medical specialties. The deputy reported that if there is a need, a regulation will be worked on so that it can be implemented.
In Paraguay telemedicine services have not been a priority, however, after the health emergency and its digitalization project will eventually include Digital Health on their agenda.