The purpose of this collaboration is to promote the scientific development of Mexicans in terms of health and nutrition.
The Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris), and the National Council for Science and Technology (Conacyt), have committed to joining efforts in research on priority issues such as health care and food.
This strategy seeks to carry out actions that favor scientific research, the application of new technologies in the health sector, taking into account humanistic principles, social justice and socio-environmental responsibility.
In this sense, Cofepris and Conacyt will offer the necessary assistance to the National Strategic Programs (Ponaces) projects that are deeply related to Digital Health. For example, projects related to medical devices, biopharmaceuticals or bioinputs.
The head of Cofepris, Alejandro Svarch Pérez, explained that science and Mexican regulation will play an important role in the application of new technologies in both the health and food sectors.
It should be noted that various Conacyt institutes and research centers have carried out projects that involve Digital Health tools or technology to address specific health problems.

For example, the Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Colef), in Tijuana, Baja California, carried out a strategy that involved technologies in the mental health service. This program focused on the use of information technologies (ICT), especially mobile phones to serve people from indigenous communities originating from San Miguel Oaxaca, with a special focus on mental health.
On the other hand, the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education (CICESE) of Ensenada, Baja California, implemented the a-Prevent program. This model successfully combined science and technology for the service of public health.
The a-Prevenir system offered the user the opportunity to take their own vital signs in a simple way through a device and to keep their medical history. It also allowed telemedical consultations to be carried out. This innovation was implemented as part of the Health Kiosk program in the state of Colima in 2015.