The Telehealth Observatory of the National Center for Technological Excellence in Health (CENETEC), updated in December 2021 the Guide for the planning and development of telehealth projects.
This CENETEC guide is a planning instrument for health entities at various levels of government to develop telehealth projects, carrying out adequate planning, management, implementation, operation and evaluation.
Telehealth services have the potential to support the integration of health care networks, provide care to patients in remote and rural areas, and above all to support the work of health workers.
In addition, regarding the technology used to carry out telehealth strategies and projects, the authorities must take into account the technical requirements, logistics and the cost-benefit ratio, so that its implementation has fewer challenges.
The objective of the updated guide in December 2021 is: "Define criteria and guidelines to carry out the planning of Telehealth projects in the states and institutions that make up the health sector in Mexico in order to strengthen health care with a focus on primary care.

One of the initial aspects of the guide is the identification sheet, which must be presented at the beginning of the documentation that integrates the project file. The card contains basic data about the project such as its name, name of the institution, target population, benefited medical units, population reached by the project, number of patients per year, amounts of equipment and systems required for its operation and approximate amount of equipment. which is already counted.
On the other hand, another fundamental issue for telehealth projects is the description of the project, as well as its motives and purposes. Likewise, it is necessary to list the legal instruments that apply to the project, taking into account the legal hierarchy in the country, for example, Federal Laws, State Laws, International Treaties, Mexican Official Norms, Regulations, etc.
Likewise, the problem, that is, the situations and needs that give rise to the project must be addressed according to its importance, magnitude and feasibility.
In relation to the objectives, justification, goals, operating strategies and schedule, the guide has various activities for its development. The same for the evaluation criteria of the project, which will allow to quantify the impact of the strategy and explain the aspects that failed or can be improved.
Learn more about this guide at the following link: