The Telehealth Observatory of the National Center of Technological Excellence in Health (CENETEC) published in September 2020 the Catalogue of Telehealth Services.
Telehealth and telemedicine activities are evolving along with new developments and technological advances. This is why it is necessary to incorporate norms and regulations so as to ensure that this type of medical practice develops correctly, following the corresponding frameworks that guarantee quality services.
The Telehealth Services Catalog was introduced by CENETEC and its main objective is to serve as a reference framework to homogenize criteria that will allow decision-makers and implementers in the field of telehealth to communicate in the same terms.

The document was developed by Dr. Francisco Ramos, Director General of CENETEC, Adrián Pacheco López, Director of Telehealth, Beatriz Cortés, from the Head of the Department of Medical Technology Integration for Telemedicine and Dr. Chantal Zambrano from the Head of the Department of Tele-diagnostic Processes.
The catalog is divided into three headings: Description of Services, Description of Media and Combination of health services with media.
Description of Services:
- Outpatient Consultation: Medical care with a general practitioner or specialist.
- Subsequent consultation: Follow-up consultation to a previous appointment.
- Visiting pass: Daily observation of the patient.
- Interconsultation: Consultation with the remote participation of another specialist.
- Medical advice: Dialogue and interaction with the health professional.
- Patient monitoring: Short-term home monitoring.
Description of communication media:
- Telemedicine station: allows and facilitates the work, review and sending of data and images, consists of a workstation, videoconferencing system, telemedicine software, monitor and sometimes tele-radiology and tele-mastography equipment.
- Mobile medical device: portable tool to assist in the treatment of diseases.
- Mobile telepresence device: System that allows performing procedures in a remote location, manipulating devices and receiving feedback or sensory information.
You can consult the complete document in our reference frameworks section, in the section of documents of the Government of Mexico: