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Telemedicine continues to advance in the Arequipa region of Peru

Currently, after the rise in COVID-19 infections in Peru, telemedicine continues to grow after registering about 320 daily consultations.

EsSalud, the Social Security of Peru, recently inaugurated the Regional Telemedicine Center, where 320 daily consultations are already provided according to the Arequipa Assistance Network of EsSalud. Thanks to this center, the insured can receive medical attention from their homes.

EsSalud Arequipa through its coordinator Oscar Andrade García, explained that the center has a capacity of more than 7,500 visits per month. However, the center continues to expand despite its recent inauguration, since in the coming weeks more telemedicine modules will be enabled and in this way more than 28,000 monthly teleconsultations will be possible.

The center also has a central module for data monitoring, a distance training room, tele-orientation, tele-imaging and tele-reference. What makes the services closer to the patients, by using various technologies for reading images and medical exams in real time.

“The main objective is that the insured in the most remote provinces have access to specialized care from trained doctors through this modern care center, equipped with the latest digital technology, not only medical care, but support from auxiliary diagnosis such as X-rays, CT scans, ultrasounds”, explained Andrade García.

The specialties in greatest demand are pulmonology, cardiology, dermatology, oncology, pediatrics, neurology and internal medicine. Currently there are 19 specialists divided into two schedules, serving approximately 24 patients per shift.

"Thanks to the continuous work of EsSalud Arequipa, with this telemedicine center, patients will have more access to care and at the same time it will prevent patients from having to be referred to other care centers, thus avoiding crowds," explained the coordinator of this EsSalud program in Arequipa.

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