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Virtual seminar in Chile: analysis and challenges in the cloud

In Chile, the virtual seminar "Experiences and Challenges" was held at TeleACV for specialists working with strokes and sharing experiences about the use of telemedicine, fighting the condition and preventing the mortality rate from spreading across the country.

On August 9th, the first Virtual Seminar Experiences and Challenges was held in Chile at TeleACV, where specialists working in telemedicine focused on strokes (ACV) exchanged knowledge, practices and learnings from a fun TV set-style format.

Thanks to the new technologies, which works through videoconferencing systems, tele-radiology and electronic clinical records, it will be possible to shorten the times of action, the geographical gap, transfer the patient to health centers that have all the requirements and staff endorsed for their early treatment. The goal is to detect potential cases to ACV early or even be able to avoid them.

The TeleACV is an emergency synchronous telemedicine system that has an easy to navigate interface, allows detecting and caring for strokes remotely by removing obstacles caused by geographical distances.

The technique follows the next steps: people with symptoms will be recognized by the system, since all the information they provide at the beginning of the analysis will be taken into account and a protocol called "ACV Code" will be activated. It will perform laboratory tests and a brain scanner to send them to a telemedicine box and thus be attended by a specialist accompanied by a trained nurse, who will be guided remotely by a neurologist who is working from the TeleACV Central Unit.

This software is implemented through the TeleACV Networkan innovative solution implemented by the South Metropolitan Health Service (SSMS) that works in the following hospitals: The Regional of Copiapó and Provincial del Huasco de Vallenar, El Pino de San Bernardo, and the Hospitals of Talagante, Quillota, San Antonio and Hanga Roa de Rapa Nui.

According to the head of the unit, Eloy Mancilla, the system is composed of experts in vascular neurology, bioengineering and computer science who work together with other specialists who receive patients with acute ACV. 

The unit is part of the SSMS Network Management Department and from February 2016 to April 2019, it has attended 1,267 teleconsultations. The plan for 2019 year was to expand the procedure for 500 thousand more people and thus cover a total of 4 million people throughout Chile.

The Metropolitan Regional Director of CORFO (Production Promotion Corporation), Álvaro Undurraga, reaffirmed that health processes must be part of the technological and digital transformation.

Dr. Héctor Fuenzalida, executive coordinator of the new MINSAL Digital Health unit was present at the seminar. This project was carried out in conjunction with Santiago Innova and Plataforma360, as part of the TeleACV - CORFO Strategic Public Goods project, supported by CORFO Metropolitano.

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