The program has expectations to preserve the stability in the lifestyle of people with the aim of strengthening their health condition with purely digital techniques.
The National Institute of Health (NIH), has been dedicated to collecting information within the “All of Us” project, which functions as a dedicated instrument to segment the population with the objective of detecting diseases and favorable health conditions to improve the quality of life throughout the country.
Since the beginning of this project, specialists in the field of medicine have gathered specific data to identify potential risks of epidemics and to act to prevent and avoid them.
The methodologies have been varied through surveys and interviews that generate a more enlightening perspective of the factors and resources that are managed in a certain group of people.
Now, with the innovation and development of the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Digital Health and the benefits they provide in real time and accuracy have been used.

A new strategy, is the genetic analysis by means of computerized tools, extract mail results from the type of genes that the person has and their connection with any possible disease such as cancer.

The process involves bringing together a congregation of people who share similar characteristics to identify frequency patterns in DNA and conduct more elaborate studies to determine effective results.
Once the objective has been achieved, all this information will be collected and recorded in an Electronic Medical Record that can be viewed and used in any place, time and health center without the need to repeat data.
A series of consultancies have also been requested by professionals specialized in the field in order to protect the confidentiality of volunteers, select the best samples and combine the findings in measured categories according to an ideal reference for the study.
Ensuring the success of the strategy through the support of experienced technicians is a way to provide confidence to future programs that are exposed to gather important elements such as age markers, ethnicity, sex, access to public services and geographic location.