Latin America continues to promote Digital Health through technological tools, such as Telehealth, in order to bring these innovations closer to the entire population without exception.
Peru advances in strategies aimed at its public health services and based on the technologies that are part of Digital Health.
The Peruvian Ministry of Health (Minsa) is focused on reducing the inequality gap in terms of access to the population, thus reaching isolated areas that do not have the opportunity to move to a health center.
The most effective plan for this task is the use of telemedicine and its advantages, such as remote consultations, to save resources and time.
These systems can also be transferred to small brigades so some specialists travel to visit remote communities directly, and not vice versa.

In this way, the current access gaps may become egalitarian and cover any area of the country without any objection, therefore, for the Director General of Telehealth of the Ministry of Health, Liliana Cárdenas, “telehealth allows covering the gap of specialists, virtually decentralizing the service they can provide at the national level and preventing people from moving from their places of origin, which allows blurring the geographical barriers that exist in our country. ”
Through appropriate equipment, digital solutions will potentiate the decisions that doctors make to prevent and treat infectious diseases, avoiding error biases and achieving greater precision.
It also stands out that the Peruvian Ministry of Health was awarded the National Digital Democracy Award 2019, promoted by D&D International- Digital Democracy, which recognizes those organizations that strengthen democracy and citizen coexistence through the responsible use of Internet and digital technologies.