The panorama that paints the adoption of Digital Health methods is in constant progress and, therefore, with new challenges and future plans to make health care services a standard of quality and innovation in Latin America and the world.
The World Health Organization (WHO) reinforced its plans to act with a better awareness of Digital Health strategies.
Several of their representatives congregated to discuss the future of the public health service and the interference that new technologies have for the medical needs of the world population to improve, increase and maintain a good living condition.
The objective of this new digital era establishes data management, its protection and the ethical way in which the tools and software that support disease monitoring are managed, as well as the prevention, detection and treatment of other infections.

The expectations that were raised to meet the future consider the following points:
- Development of a global framework for WHO to validate and apply solutions such as Digital Health technologies, in order to help expand its use.
- Recommendations to use digital technologies in an ethical and safe way in order to strengthen national health plans by improving quality and coverage of the benefit, increasing access and reducing the inequality gap.
- Advice on new technologies in the field of Digital Health with global reach and impact that help nobody to be left unattended.

Thus, public health institutions and centers will join efforts to take full advantage of the trends and innovations presented by Digital Health teams.
This action plan is aimed at defining approaches and instruments for the digital treatment of data that, in a sustainable and expandable way, meet the needs of patients and provide them with instruments in order to actively participate in their own treatment.
With the help of these tools, the emergence of a new model of action in all areas of medical care is expected - from the request for appointments, to the most complex treatments - and to make health systems and services more effective throughout the world.