Thanks to PAHO’s support, Honduran people will strengthen their network system, focused on raising awareness in Young people about sexual development and full and healthy care of it.
Thanks to the advances that technology offers through its ability to increase speed and precision, the inhabitants of Honduras can have and learn information to take care of their health, anywhere and at any time.
The government developed a mobile app – available on Android – dedicated to covering sexuality topics and urging teenagers and adults to strengthen that area of their lives to enjoy it adequately.
The Digital platform: Reproductiva, has a wide exchange of information, data, knowledge and experiences that drive greater confidence in decision-making to enjoy good health and feel safe with the support of public systems.
Its creator, Dr. Adriana Zúñiga, made it known that users will have access to information about sexual and reproductive rights. Among which, the following stand out:
- Comprehensive sexual education
- Sexual educations for parents
- Human body information
- Contraception methods
- Sexual diversity
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Sexual violence
- Breast and cervical cancer prevention

It should be noted that this pattern will foster a reliable mechanic for both parents and young people, as it will allow a channel for doubts, beliefs and opinions to be expressed without being judged, so that the picture is wider and the sex life of the population is healthy and risk-free.
Another support the app will provide is an opinion space called bloggers, which will allow access to writings by experts and activists on issues related to sexuality, feminism, new masculinities, sexual myths, sexual dysfunction, desired motherhood, diversity or sexual dissent, LGTBI activism, gender, HIV, sexuality disorders, sexuality in the older adult, among others.