The National Health Service of the United Kingdom (NHS) continues to innovate its strategies to acquire tools capable of configuring health care processes to improve the quality of its results.

The NHS made an alliance with several startups dedicated to technological advancement to provide efficiency and quality to health systems within public institutions.
Part of its contributions are the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that reinforce the platforms focused on Digital Health and the innovative advances that this implies.
One of the electronic applications developed has to do with the elderly; how they deal with loneliness and the care that their condition requires. The virtual platform will allow the patient to connect with people and caregivers who can provide attention so the patient can feel once more an active part of society.
Also, software is being used to detect possible diabetes risks through fully detailed body and biological analysis.
Through collaborative work between health centers and technology providers, the NHS accelerates its digital transformation to complement and support the results obtained by health systems and their accuracy.