Within the Andean country, public policies play an important role to reduce the inequality gap towards digital systems and thus achieve full coverage of social needs in order to protect their quality of life through easier treatments and operations.
With the incursion of new technologies, the Chilean government set out to have public policies that support digital solutions as available methodologies for health systems and services.
The Law of Digital Transformation of the State, promotes that all the procedures and services are carried out in an electronic and distance format, with the objective of offering results in real time and with greater quality.
In addition, any procedure would be carried out with more accessibility and efficiency thanks to the advantages that ICT offers in its unique organization and programming.
One of the side effects of this initiative has an impact on the creation of a National Digital Archive, which will be responsible for organizing and managing all clinical information registered in public services.
Thus, operations related to Digital Health such as treatments, consultations and telemedicine, will be available from any mobile device by simply downloading the corresponding application and having a satisfactory internet network.

The way forward is to maintain interoperability among all public institutions with the aim that they can share and transfer the same information without any obstacle.
Currently, in the country, 1,732 procedures have already been digitized, which is equivalent to 49.5% of the total. The Government's goal is to reach 80% by 2021.