In Argentina, the progress of Digital Health is realized by having specific figures of the exact number of treatments performed by each specialty in order to reduce the access gap and give opportunity to all people equally to be cared for in the best possible way regardless of their living situation.
Patient statistics are a fundamental pillar for the San Juan Digital Health System (SDSJ), whose basic premise is to be a "computer system that allows to record, measure and analyze statistical and epidemiological data for timely decision-making at the local and central level", according to the objective of the Ministry of Public Health.
The contribution that this project gives is the digitization of the patient's data to manage it so that it can be accessed without mishaps in real time and regardless of the place.
The modernization of the computer network represents a great progress in the Electronic Clinical History (HCE) of each patient to be able to consult all their information related to their health in an organized and easy to understand way.
This means more safety in the consultation of important data such as knowing results of studies (radiography, ultrasounds, resonances, laboratories, vaccination card, etc.), diagnoses of different specialties, prescription of medicines, if an inter consultation with professionals was ever requested, or if the patient was moved to an emergency room, etc.

In this sense, the count of cases as requested in each health center, specifies a flexibility in the way in which medical care is provided since with the collection of statistics we can know which specialties are the most requested and how often to in the future strengthen the given service, according to the quantitative needs extracted from the analysis.
So far, the first results obtained agree that in the first place is dental with 4,899 patients treated, secondly, there is pediatrics with 3,975. The following specialties are general medicine which has 3,340 consultations, then kinesiology (or rehabilitation) with 3,237, medical clinic with 2,939 and finally nutrition with 2,449 effective treatments.