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Acciones de Fundación Carlos Slim en Salud


Educación inicial

Strengthen the abilities of adults responsible for the raising and education of children at an early age, in order to promote their integral development, based on a focus on their rights.

Bibliotecas digitales

Promote innovative activities for educational support and access to digital learning spaces.

Niños y adultos beneficiados
Guías distribuidas
personas beneficiadas
Telmex Digital Libraries
Niños, jóvenes, adultos y docentes capacitados en TICs.
Bibliotecas Digitales Telmex en igual número de Centros de Rehabilitación Infantíl Teletón (CRIT).



A strategy that seeks to improve health care in first contact centers with emphasis on the prevention of diseases such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension.


Strategy to improve the assistance provided to pregnant women in order to reduce maternal and infant mortality.

It operates in public health centers in 27 states of the country, in association with the Federal Health Secretariat and state governments.

A total of 1’743,436 comprehensive measurements have been taken in MIDO modules for early detection and to determine people' level of risk of developing a chronic disease.

InThe Chronic Disease Information System has been implemented in 12,489 health centers throughout the country for the clinical follow-up of 1’848,116 patients.

With IMSS-Prospera is working with health centers in three states and with ISSSTE in health centers in two additional states.


It has benefited 129,953 pregnant women and their newborns through a set of actions for timely and quality care during and after pregnancy.

The strategy works in 36 maternal health networks in 12 states of the country.


Capacítate para el Empleo

Provide free online training in skilled trades and technical-operational occupations to contribute to the development of people's productive competencies.


Provides microcredits in disadvantaged areas to improve the living conditions of its members.

22’359,592 enrollments.

6’996,002 students in 194 countries.

Online training in 337 courses.

Employment opportunities with 54 participating companies and 24,863 employees hired.

9 diplomados courses with SEP recognition.

It is present in the states of ChiapasOaxacaPuebla and Zacatecas.

It has 25 offices.

325,198 loans granted, benefiting 114,105 people.

Desarrollo Económico y Social

Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México

Improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the Historic Center through programs that have an impact on the employment creation, public spaces and health services security and a wide range of cultural activities.

Ciudad Jardín Bicentenario

To reconvert and recover the environmental space into an economic and social asset.

2’711,290 visitors to the San Francisco atrium.

800,000 visitors to the annual contest of ofrendas, from 2013 to 2016.

28,632 psychological counseling, work with schools, public spaces and housing units, comprehensive health campaigns.

31,860 people impacted by the Casa Vecina project.

In total, all the programs of the Fundación Centro Histórico have benefited 12’239,175 people.

150 hectares of mixed-use development that integrates:

22,000 tons of CO2 will cease to be emitted into the atmosphere per year which is equivalent to 37’000,000 vehicle trips traveling 50 km.

350,000 m² of grass planted, equivalent to the total area of the Coyoacán Gardens.


Acceso Latino

Program to support the development of the Latino community in the United States, mainly in the areas of education, job training and legal procedures.

2’412,252 users of the portal have benefited from innovative tools.

Job training in the following areas: agriculture, technical-professional services, construction, customer service, information technology, home, among others.

Access to educational platforms: Khan Academy in Spanish, Académica, online resources for English language learning.

Preparation for the high school equivalency exam in the United States of America (GED, Hi-SET, TASC).

Citizenship test preparation.

Preparation to obtain a driver's license as well as a commercial driver's license.

Preparation to apply for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

Financial skills guides: saving, remitting money, taxes and credit.

Seguridad Vial

Acciones por la Seguridad Vial

Promote a responsible ethical road culture among young people, both as drivers, pedestrians and passengers in public and private transportation.

Se han impartido 552 conferences have been given to 145,482 students from 303 high school and higher education institutions throughout the country, as well as to young people who have attended mass public events.



Desarrollar el talento de los pilotos mexicanos a través de un concepto de “escalera”, que inicia desde las categorías de desarrollo y promoción hasta alcanzar las series de automovilismo más importante del mundo.


Support boxers at the beginning of their careers, so they can have the opportunity to focus on their careers in better conditions and without the need of alternative jobs.

InThe Chronic Disease Information System has been implemented in 12 years Escuderia Telmex-Telcel has obtained the following achievements:

  • 1,091 podiums.
  • 470 races won.
  • 309 pole positions.
  • 66 championships.
  • 31 sub-championships.

Scholarships for 76 professional boxers.

Pension for 32 former Mexican world champions.

Medio Ambiente

Alianza WWF-FCS

Support and catalyze environmental programs and processes developed by different local, national and international organizations and institutions.

Conservación del Jaguar Mexicano

Support the national strategy for jaguar conservation and the impact reduction of activities that threaten the jaguar, based on policies compatible with the sustainable development of each region.

La alianza ha apoyado a 63 organizaciones locales en 104 proyectos en las 6 regiones prioritarias del país: Arrecife Mesoamericano Mexicano, Desierto Chihuahuense, Golfo de California, Mariposa Monarca, Oaxaca y Chiapas

At the national level, we are working on Climate Change.

9 national conferences and 1 international conference in which the jaguar's problems have been analyzed and solutions and actions for its conservation have been proposed.

Publication of 4 books, 3 in Spanish and 1 in English.

2 national censuses of jaguars and their prey.

National Jaguar Conservation Strategy with objectives to be achieved in the next five years.

The Alianza Nacional para la Conservación del Jaguar A.C. (National Alliance for Jaguar Conservation) is formed.


Finanzas Sociales

Support the family and social reintegration of first-time offenders, who have committed minor crimes, of limited resources, deprived of their freedom and who are entitled to it through the payment of a bail bond.

109,719 bail bonds posted.

Programa de Formación para la Prevención de la Violencia

Promote the prevention of different types of violence by training public servants, members of social organizations and community leaders.

Se han proporcionado 31,843 comprehensive psychological counseling services, workshops on communication, authority management, human development, maternity and paternity have been provided.

550 public servants trained


Museo Soumaya

Collect, research, conserve, disseminate and exhibit artistic testimonies from Mexico and Europe, bringing art closer to diverse audiences in an inclusive cultural space.

Desde la apertura de la nueva sede en Plaza Carso, han sido atendidos 12’693,369 de visitantes.

The collection has a rich collection of great European and New Spanish masters such as El Greco, Tintoretto, Tiziano, Murillo, Zurbarán, the Cranachs, Rubens, Villalpando, Páez and Cabrera; as well as artists of impressionism and the early avant-garde, Renoir, Monet, Cézanne, Toulouse-Lautrec, Van Gogh and Picasso. Museo Soumaya also has the most important collection of the sculptor Auguste Rodin outside France.


Promote knowledge of Mexican history, traditions, music, literature, cinema and daily life through diverse multimedia content.

More than 3,000 articles on history, art, culture, science and technology.

WikiMexico has received 2’294,359 visits.

In 2015 WikiMéxico was donated to CONACULTA for its operation.

Desarrollo Humano

Asume A.C.

Contribute to the integral development of people through a human development program that motivates them to the constant search for self-improvement and enriches the environment in which they develop.

More than 267 cities and training 962,672 people, in 31,972 groups with 25,014 volunteer facilitators, in more than 2,780 companies, institutions, hospitals, prisons, communities, etc.

Best Buddies México

Contribute to the integration and participation in society of people with intellectual disabilities through friendships, ambassadors and integrated employment.

19,700 participants.

37 people with intellectual disabilities working in companies.

80 Best Buddies Mexico ambassadors.

Apoyo en Desastres

Plan de ayuda en desastres naturales

Deliver humanitarian aid to populations in a crisis caused by a disaster, either in Mexico or in sister nations.

29,155.37 tons of humanitarian aid.

27’091,139 liters of drinking water.

172 water purification plants installed in affected areas.

Red de Voluntarios TELMEX

To carry out social work of impact and transcendence in different programs, such as support for assistance institutions, promotion and information on the organ and tissue donation program, and in natural disasters, among others.

6,008 volunteers.

More than 777,632 hours of work nationwide.

24,974 activities and events carried out.

1’539,054 people benefited.

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