After making the necessary work to implement this service, finally Dr. Click has its own digital medical platform, in which he offers remote consultations with doctors of different specialties.
In late May, deputy Sebastian García president of the Committee on Science and Technology of the Chamber of Deputies of Paraguay, received the developers and creators of Dr Click to seek to promote this initiative.
At that meeting, the Member commented that the committee discussed whether it was necessary to update laws on medical data protection and digital signature to promote such digital projects.
In addition, during the last week of June they held a meeting with representatives of the National Anti-Drug System (SENAD) in which they signed an agreement to enable the platform as a means of treatment for people with addiction problems.
After making the necessary arrangements, Dr Click has launched its services through its web platform: The platform provides remote consultation services in 20 medical specialties, among which are: family medicine, traumatology and orthopedics or psychology. A total of 119 doctors are registered on the platform to offer their services. In addition to the extensive medical specialty offer, one of the most important aspects of Dr Click is prescriptions, as they are the first digital platform in Paraguay to offer the issuance of digital prescriptions. The process is simple, as at the end of the consultation the specialist sends the prescription to the patient through the online platform.
In addition to the extensive medical specialty offer, one of the most important aspects of Dr Click is prescriptions, as they are the first digital platform in Paraguay to offer the issuance of digital prescriptions. The process is simple, as at the end of the consultation the specialist sends the prescription to the patient through the online platform.

The implementation of this feature is important in a country like Paraguay that is gradually progressing in telehealth services, so in the future we could see the various public health systems adopt this type of practice.
Years ago, PAHO/WHO collaborated to implement the digital prescription at the Children's Maternal Hospital in Limpio, Paraguay as it had previously been applied in four public hospitals as part of a pilot test. More recently, in March of this year, Surveillance Health authorities proposed that pharmacies accept prescriptions received by email due to the health emergency by COVID-19.