As part of a binational project, both countries will establish a digital telehealth interconnection network
The Binational Interconnection project of the Telemedicine Network involves the Rio Nao watershed in Peru and the Franklin Tello Binational Hospital in Nuevo Rocafuerte in Ecuador.
This project was agreed on 7 November 2019 in Tumbes, Peru during the Presidential meeting and the XIII Peru-Ecuador Binational Cabinet. At this meeting, technical aspects were made known to coordinate, as well as the resources needed to implement the project. However, since 2016 both governments have been working on the telecommunications infrastructure needed for this initiative.
On 30 June this year the first meeting was held with the Binational Technical Committee, the meeting was held virtually and talked about the implementation of this project that will benefit the population of both regions. In mid-July, the third virtual session was held.
The Network covers 445 kilometers, benefiting more than 15 locations between the two countries. This ambitious project seeks to provide remote medical services, supporting telemedicine programs in both countries, as well as interconsultations between medical specialists at Franklin Tello Hospital and the Cabo Pantoja Health Center.

Ecuador's Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that funding for the Binational Plan would be financed by the Andean Regional Health Agency and the Development Bank of Latin America and thus benefit border communities in both countries.
This project is unique in the region, making it the first telemedicine interconnection network to cover two countries.